Its time to unleash the deliberate creator within you.
You are ready! Let your soul's core light shine into the world. Become the lighthouse that leads others to the evolved perspective of reality you unlocked. Your soul's purpose is calling and its time to answer wholeheartedly Yes.

message from the angels of love

The world is a better place when we are connected and living in harmony with our soul's wisdom and guidance.
The Angels of Love wish to support, guide and encourage you to sync to your soul and shine.

The Philosophy at sOULSYNCing

Keepers of The Light 

Soul Guides


Soul Explorers

Life-Long Learners

Growth Mindset Developers

Generational Pattern Breakers

And New Pattern Creators



you need to know

ou don't need Aldina to connect to Source.

You don't need our guidance & support in this format for you to live a joyful, purposeful and meaningful life.

If you feel called to co-create with us in this way, do it only because it feels good in your heart and because it feels like the right next step in your movement towards joy...

Do it because it answers a question you feel you are ready to receive...

Do it only, if in your heart you feel and know that this experience will add love, and joy to your Life!


I'm sure you can relate to the feeling that there's something you came here to do... only problem is: you're not sure what it is, or even worse, you know... but you're afraid to do it. Well, I have to be honest and say, my challenge was that I was afraid to
do it!
I was afraid to come out of hiding and speak openly about something that, from a very early age was very real to me.

Soul Syncing  is my 1st real step towards coming out of hiding, answering my soul's calling and manifesting my core purpose for being physical in this time and
space reality.

Ever since I can remember I could connect, receive, know and understand the Angels of Love.
Ever since I can remember I have been challenged by the feeling that I'm very old, that this physical reality isn't home, and that home is lighter and expresses as white and golden light, unconditional love, and truth.

When I was little, I rarely studied for testing and would pass all my tests with almost 100% scores. All I had to do was ask, take a deep breath and I would be shown visions of the lessons and relearn what was taught during tests, and know the answers to most questions
 through claircognizance.
I won an award when I was 15 and 500 euros for being the best student in my school, and I never told anyone until now, how I accomplished this feat without studying hard for it.
My peers believed I was very smart, my teachers believed I was academically gifted and all the while, in my heart and inner world, I knew I couldn't explain why I knew and understand it so well, I just knew I did. The 1st time I told my mother about this experience was the beginning of this year,
and that says a lot about my reluctancy to coming out of hiding.
When I was coming into my teenage years, and due to intense contrasting experiences and trauma in my childhood, I begged not to see non-physical energy anymore.
At the time I hadn't developed the discipline of mind necessary to enjoy that gift. I also felt too alien, too different from my peers... and so the angels helped and I stopped seeing non-physical energies. I can see light and vibration around everything but no scary stuff anymore and I'm very happy about that.

In my teenage years I lost interest in school, and rebelled against my parents dreams of me becoming a doctor. I wanted to punish them for my difficult childhood... but through it all I never lost the gift of claircognizance and so I still became academically successful.

I lived as the one who was a part of all the groups but belonged to none. I qualified and became a successful Clinical Dental technologist and now literally create smiles for a living.
 I rarely feel alone, although I mostly enjoy times of being by myself. And by following the angels guidance I went on my own journey of becoming and manifested my dream reality, filled and surrounded by all that I love. 

The 1st time I sat to meditate I started spinning really fast, I felt an energy breath through me, and my voice changed, sounded deeper and spoke words of unconditional Love and healing that my conscious mind wasn't thinking.
I enjoyed the feeling in my body but my mind panicked, as it believed the experience to be too weird.
Because of my resistance to let go of the idea of control, I didn't allow that experience to manifest again for a very long time.
I would find other ways of blending with source, through appreciation rampages, dancing, singing, cuddling my dogs, focusing on my dreams, but I mostly avoid meditation and would only meditate when I felt uncomfortable.
I already felt too different, too alien, mostly misunderstood by those around me and I had no desire to add something even harder to explain like,
 Angels of Love speaking through me.

For the last 3 years I have been living happily ever after. I regularly say that I speak the loveliness of my life into being, and with the guidance of the angels of love and the teachings of my dear friends Abraham-hicks, I now understand and love this physical reality, and have mastered turning thoughts into things.
For the last 3 years I have also felt slight frustration, as I have not been able to move forward towards any other desires, other than living generally happily ever after... as the angels would not back me up with the energy that creates worlds in anything other than meditating :) 
As Suzy,  my lovely reiki teacher, expressed during my level 2 reiki course... their words were: Give us a chance, we have
smart things to say too! :)

Knowing of Esther-Hicks life's work and her resistance at 1st to sharing the realness of Abraham was always a source of much laughter in my conversations with the angels. I would often say I don't need to come out of hiding, because Abraham-hicks already shares really smart stuff with the world so people don't need me to do it too.  

I have now come to understand that coming out of hiding isn't related to the world needing me to do so... it relates only to me fulfilling my core purpose for being physical and living in alignment with that purpose... for my movement towards more, and the answering of my soul's calling which are where the joy of my life is experienced... and without it, life feels dull and meaningless regardless of how much stuff I accumulate.

So here I am, allowing them to share their knowledge, their love, their guidance and their healing with those who are asking. Fully knowing that there will always be a welcoming place for the highest love, the highest power & the highest truth to be experienced and manifested in this physical reality. And delighted to play my part in it.

You don't need me to connect to source. You don't need the Angels of love to guide you as they flow through me, for you have your own connection to source and your guides too... if you choose to co-create with us do it because it feels good to you, because it feels like the right next step...

Inspired receiver & translator of non-physical energy from Universal Love

hi there, I'm Aldina

Let’s dive into your vortex of creation and activate your passion for living.
Allow the Angels of Love to support you in manifesting more fun, joy, ease in your reality and also gently nudge you out of hiding.

How to Co-Create with us